Reiki is a Japanese health technique for stress reduction, as well as physical healing. The word comes from the combination of Japanese words rei (meaning God’s wisdom or higher power) and ki (life force energy). This life force energy flows through everyone. However, for a number of reasons, your energy can become blocked, or slowed down. Reiki ensures that your life force energy is high and free flowing, leading to better health and happiness.
This is a gentle and very noninvasive healing method. Is often called a “laying on of the hands”, and can treat your emotions, body, mind and spirit. There are no side effects reported, since no chemicals or medicines are administered. Reiki is becoming more accepted by traditional medical institutions and offered as a complementary, therapeutic healing method that accompanies conventional medical practices.
Incidentally, this is a rather simple technique to learn. A Reiki master can teach you to use this healing process on yourself and others. You don’t need to subscribe to a particular spiritual or religious practice to benefit from the healing powers of this ancient Japanese practice. However, you are recommended to practice certain ethical values that promote harmony and peace, living in a way that promotes positive energy.