Demystifying Chakras – Heal Yourself and Boost Energy through Chakra Work
“How to Channel Your Chakras for Spiritual, Mental and Physical Health and Unlimited Energy”
From: Your Power To Create
RE: Harnessing the healing power of your personal energy
Dear Friend,
You have the power to heal yourself, mentally, physically and spiritually. You have inside you natural stores of energy which you can tap at any time.
You just have to know how.
As far back as 1,500 BC, ancient Hindu healers recognized the presence of multiple energy centers located in each human being. These 7 energy centers each give off a different color and vibration.
When you harness them properly, you experience mental and physical health in all areas of your life. You reach spiritual awareness … to yourself, others and the divine.
This belief in 7 energy centers, called chakras, located along your spine existed long before humans new anything about the endocrine system. That is a system of glands, also 7 in number, that control, regulate and relate to important body functions.
These glands are located along your spine. They match up perfectly with the 7 chakras which are said to control and affect multiple human behaviors and processes.
7 glands known to modern medicine. 7 chakras known to antiquity. Both of these systems located at corresponding physical points along your spine. Both directly responsible for healthy mental and physical functions in your body.
It seems our ancient ancestors understood just as much, if not more, about the human experience as modern – day doctors.
What they seemed to understand so much better than today’s medical doctors is how to use these 7 locations to heal yourself, no doctors or drugs required. This healing can cure physical conditions, mental problems and spiritual issues. You can also access unlimited energy through these 7 spinning centers of your vital life force.
Incredibly, you can harness this natural ability to control every aspect of your physical and mental life in minutes, sometimes even in just a few seconds.
The key is understanding the nature of your chakras, and how to keep them flowing properly for a healthy mind, body and spirit.
For instance, when your first chakra (Muladhara) is balanced, you feel safe in your surroundings. You are fearless and certain, stable and secure.
Your fifth chakra (Vishuddha) is located in your throat, near your thyroid gland. It is here where your source of verbal expression exists. If you are frequently tongue-tied, or find it hard to express what is on your mind, a simple clearing of your throat chakra delivers the ability to speak clearly and express your deepest truths.
Would you like the answers to the following questions?
- How can you stop falling short of your goals and desires, and live the experience of your dreams?
- What are the secrets to perfect love?
- How can you quickly balance or unblock a damaged energy center for your best physical health ever?
- What do you do to connect to the global energy of all mankind, enjoying a higher state of consciousness?
- What are the 7 chakras, and what emotional, spiritual and physical functions can they strengthen and heal?
The life-changing answers to these and other chakra questions is revealed in…
Demystifying Chakras – Heal Yourself and Boost Energy through Chakra Work
In this 43 page, 11 chapter guide to unleashing your limitless personal healing power, you discover…
- How an imbalanced root chakra is keeping you from achieving your deepest desires (Chapter 4)
- Which chakra to clear to beat a food or drug addiction (Chapter 5)
- Chakra work for beginners (Chapter 11)
- How Ayurvedic medicine pertains to chakras and personal energy (Chapter 1)
- Which chakra to unblock for healthy sex, creativity and passion (Chapter 5)
- Exactly how chakras can heal you in body, mind and spirit (Chapter 2)
- What essential oil strengthens your solar plexus chakra so you enjoy unbeatable willpower (Chapter 6)
- The perfect yoga pose for healing a broken heart (Chapter 7)
- That unblocking this chakra can free you from dependence upon others, and create personal independence (Chapter 5)
- Yoga movements to unleash your Kundalini Breath of Fire for limitless energy (Chapter 11)
- That even a beginner can gain youthfulness and energy activating and balancing your chakras (Chapter 1)
- Which chakra cinnamon, ginger and patchouli help balance (Chapter 4)
- The names of your 7 chakras and where they are located in your body (Chapter 3)
- The benefits of massage for aligning and balancing your chakras (Chapter 11)
- 7 chakra tuneups that lead to multiple aspects of spiritual, physical and emotional well-being (at the end of chapters 4 through 10)
- Why your root chakra is the base of mental and physical stability (Chapter 4)
- Which chakra is responsible for delivering your desired result (perfect love, mental peace, commanding power, incredible sex) (Chapter 3)
- The mantra and essential oils you need to unlock a higher state of consciousness (Chapter 10)
- Which mantra and essential oils release your powers of ambition and free you from a sense of being “paralyzed” (Chapter 6)
- Why meditation is the perfect vehicle to put you in touch with your energy centers (Chapter 11)
- That a balanced root chakra can erase lifelong feelings of insecurity (Chapter 4)
- Useful yoga poses for accessing powerful self-confidence (Chapter 5)
When you claim your instant download of Demystifying Chakras – Heal Yourself and Boost Energy through Chakra Work, you also receive the following…
- A list of powerful resources recommended for complementing your chakra knowledge and healing ability.
- A handy list of chakra essentials.
- An explanation of chakra stones.
- The correct chanting mantras for balancing your chakras.
- Recommended yoga poses and essential oils which improve your ability to access your powerful energy centers.
- The ability to heal and energize yourself in mind, body and spirit, anywhere and anytime, regardless of your unique personal situation or surroundings.
Stop allowing others to control your emotions. Don’t let impure modern-day values and influences stifle your spiritual essence. Enjoy perfect physical health, inside and out. Release your mental peace and power.
All of those outcomes are possible when you understand and harness the ancient healing powers of your energy centers. Get started today enjoying perfect and wholesome physical, mental and spiritual health and wellness by claiming your personal copy of Demystifying Chakras – Heal Yourself and Boost Energy through Chakra Work now.