What would your life be like if..
- You knew what career would be best suited for you?
- You knew how to produce your career and life goals?
- You Knew what direction you need to move in?
- You knew your career priorities?
- You knew how to produce a winning CV that sells you effectively?
- You knew how to overcome any interview nerves?
- You knew how to communicate your strengths without bragging?
- You knew how to deal with your weaknesses and learn to work around them?
- You understood what interviewers are looking for in a potential candidate?
- You knew how to prepare and plan beforehand to ensure a successful interview?
- You knew how to negotiate for a better pay deal?
- You knew how to negotiate for better terms and conditions?
- You learn how to be content and at peace with your choices?
If you would like to work with your very own PERSONAL COACH, I offer 2 ways of fulfilling your requirements.
1. By Email
Receive personal sessions with Felicia through email.
You will receive and work through 2 emails or more per week that will contain exercises, material and assignments for you to complete.
Cost: $197 per month
2. By Telephone & Email
You will receive and work through 2 emails or more per week that will contain exercises, material and assignments for you to complete. Plus you receive 4 x 30 minute telephone sessions.
Cost: $437 per month