What would your life be like if you knew how to..

  • Get motivated and juiced up for life?
  • Stop procrastinating and take action?
  • Take control of your life instantly!?
  • Live the life you want
  • To keep going in the face of adversity?
  • Get rid of negativity and the things that keep you stuck when you want to move forward?
  • Make motivation a habit?
  • Unleash your true potential?

If you would like to work with your very own PERSONAL MOTIVATION COACH, I offer 2 ways of fulfilling your requirements.

How it works?

Receive personal sessions with Felicia through email.

You will receive and work through 2 emails or more per week that will contain exercises, material and assignments for you to complete.

1. By Email

Receive personal sessions with Felicia through email.
You will receive and work through 2 emails or more per week that will contain exercises, material and assignments for you to complete.

Cost: $197 per month

2. By Telephone & Email

You will receive and work through 2 emails or more per week that will contain exercises, material and assignments for you to complete. Plus you receive 4 x 30 minute telephone sessions.

Cost: $437 per month