Who Else Want to Learn The Power of Reiki to Dramatically Improve All Areas of Your Life..

Re-Awaken Your Natural Gift of Healing and Explore How Reiki Can Assist You On Your Life Path.

Awaken Your Inner Power Now And………

  • Channel Universal energy to heal, balance, and energize yourself and others
  • Awaken your intuition and psychic abilities
  • Learn sacred Sanskrit symbols for healing and manifesting
  • Learn the hidden secrets of the law of attraction
  • Earn income from REIKI sessions and teaching classes
  • Learn and teach the safest and most potent REIKI system on the planet
  • Protect yourself from envy, attackers and negative energies…

Learn the Incredible Techniques of The Healing Masters In This Home-Study Course!

Reiki Levels I&II Home-Study Course With Distant Attunements and Certifications.

Learn In The Comfort of Your Own Home At Your Own Pace!

Here’s What’s Included In the Usui Reiki Home-Study Course:

Practitioner Course Part One (First Degree) 71 Pages

The First Degree covers the accurate history of the origins of Reiki, and the differences between Japanese and Western Reiki . Daily energy exercises to help strengthen and purify the Reiki channel known as Hatsurei Ho will be learnt, as well as Usui’s original self-treatment approaches (including a powerful self-treatment meditation).

You will receive 3 Reiju empowerments (using Usui’s original method) to connect you to the Reiki energy.

The following topics, and more, will be covered in the course:

  • What is Reiki?
  • The history of Reiki.
  • The Usui Memorial.
  • The Reiki Principles.
  • Poems of the Meiji Emperor.
  • The original Japanese form of Reiki.
  • What you will feel when treating others.
  • What people feel when they are being treated.
  • The effects of Reiki attunements.
  • The effects of Reiki on patients.
  • Using Reiki with other therapies.
  • Hatsurei Ho.
  • Self-treatments.
  • Giving Reiki treatments.
  • Distant healing.
  • Treating plants and animals.

Practitioner Course Part Two(Second Degree) 67 Pages

In level two you will learn the original Usui Japanese energy exercises to further develop your intuition, along with Western techniques to assist your own personal growth and healing. The 3 Reiju empowerments given in this course will enable you to ‘hold’ and channel more energy than before. These empowerments also serve to connect you strongly to aspects of the energy, which are represented by the Reiki symbols. Methods for using the 3 Reiki symbols and mantras will be covered, including their use as a basis for self-treatment, as a means of making treatments stronger and more effective, plus other simple approaches from Japan.

The following is a selection of the material covered :

  • The Reiki kotodama: an original method of connecting to the Second Degree energies.
  • Original methods for using the symbols, including a symbol meditation.
  • Methods for increasing the flow of energy.
  • Usui’s scanning and intuitive techniques, known as Byosen Reikan Ho and Reiji Ho (which allow the Reiki energy to guide the hands, instead of rigidly following the set hand positions).
  • Reiki treatments.
  • Specific treatment techniques.
  • Distant healing.
  • Intuition and intent.
  • Healing with the eyes and breath (Gyoshi Ho and Koki Ho).
  • Grounding and protection.

Plus Receive These BONUSES

BONUS #1The Power of One E-Book (Worth $27)

Everyone makes an impact – whether they are acting intentionally or not. Everyone is always making an impact on one another. Your actions, my actions, and the actions of others are influencing the world. What you do matters in more ways than you may realize, and your efforts may create chaos or lead to grand achievements. The key is being intentional with your actions.

Even the smallest of actions are important in the grand scheme of the world.

BONUS #2 Your Meditation Handbook (Worth $14.95)

Learn Which Types Of Meditation Are Best For You To Boost Your Health And Wellness Today!

BONUS #3 Law of Attraction-Answering Your True Calling (Worth $12.95)

Get Instant Access Now

You Will Receive the Original Usui Reiki Levels I&II Manuals, Two Attunements, Certifications Upon Completion, On-Going Support Plus The Above BONUSUS

Price: $297

60 Day Payment Plan

Payment Plan Initial Payment of $148.50 and then 30 days later another $148.50

$148.50 X 2

Reiki Master OTO

90 Day Payment Plan

Payment Plan Initial Payment of $165.66 and then $165.66 30 days later and then another $165.66 30 days after that

$165.66 X 3