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A Genuine Reiki Master Demonstrate EXACTLY How To Channel Healing Reiki Energy?

Thank you for accessing How Anyone Can Heal Themselves At Home Using Reiki downloadable EBook course.

I’m 100% sure that, once you start following the easy steps laid out in the course, you’ll be able to transform your and your family’s physical health and mental wellbeing.

But, how would you like to see results in even faster?

Videos Speed Up Learning

By A Massive 400%

ot only that:

  • Learners retain almost 65% of visual information, but only 10-20% of written information
  • Visuals are 83% more effective for comprehension than written text

(Source: Psychology Today)


Be The Reiki Master Home Video Course

Step-By-Step Demonstration From A Real Reiki Master

If you’re looking for a simple, proven way

to Shortcut your learning, and go from Novice to Reiki Master

in the quickest time possible, then this is for YOU

This incredible package includes:

Informative step-by-step video course where a respected Reiki Master demonstrates:

  • The 16 Reiki hand positions for self-healing
  • The 18 Reiki hand positions for healing others
  • How to use the 5 Reiki symbols to super-charge healing

Full MP3 audio files

  • An easy way to ‘refresh’ your memory, just pop these MP3s into your player and learn while commuting to work, at the gym, or anywhere on-the-go!

Visual infographic learning aids

  • Stick these up around your home or office as quick, handy reference guides

Why This Step-By-Step Reiki Video Course Will Drastically Speed Up Your Results:

According to Psychology Today, written information is processed by our short term memory, which can only retain about seven bits of information at any one time…

However, images are directly processed by our long-term memory, where they get indelibly etched.

Think about it, I bet you remember scenes from a favorite film much more easily than passages from a novel, correct?

With this amazing instructional Reiki course, not only will you learn faster initially, you’ll remember and retain crucial information long term…

Which can only mean a much faster route to great health, happiness and contentment…. for you and your family.

These materials have been designed to help you learn how to harness the healing power of Reiki in the fastest time possible

  • earn 400% faster by watching a Reiki Master in action on video
  • Retain learning easily with handy MP3 files
  • Refresh memory using at-a-glance infographics

As you can see, this upgrade package is set to make your Reiki journey a whole lot easier.

I wish for you to really enjoy the life-changing benefits of Reiki as fast as possible, by shortcutting your learning, and drastically reducing the trials and errors you might face.

You’ve already made the wise decision to invest in “How Anyone Can Heal Themselves At Home Using Reiki” home course because you want to improve your health, destroy your fears, increase your energy levels, and have a better quality of life, right?

Get ready for 400% faster results and avoid all the mistakes that could cost you precious time!

This Sounds Great, But How Much?

For a very limited time, as a way of thanking you for purchasing “Be The Reiki Master” home course, you can access this premium video & audio instructional package for a heavily discounted price.

This package is like having a Reiki instructor right by your side, guiding and teaching you

Of course, you could pay hundreds of dollars for face-to-face lessons. But not today.

Today, you’ll get the Be The Reiki Master Home Video Course VIP Upgrade for the low price you see below:

I’ve made your Reiki journey as affordable and as step-by-step as physically possible.

It’s now up to you to take action.

To Your Future Health & Happiness

The Your Power To Create Team

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Only $47