What Can An Astro Psychology Reading Do For You?


Tired of feeling trapped, lost and confused and Stuck in a dead end job going nowhere?

Do you often feel that you have a Bigger Purpose in Life?

Do you constantly worry about money, problems in your Relationships or problems with your Health?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions and Ready for Positive Change then please read on…

You’re at your most vulnerable when you’re worried, in debt, concerned about Relationships, or fretting over your job and loved ones.


So…Worry No More!

Discover What A Astro-Psychology Reading Can Do For You!

There is no accident that you arrived here. You were meant to be here right at this very moment. Consider the possibility that you were led here because I have something that will change your life. Take a moment and see for yourself. Whether you have problems with your health, relationships, money, or how you view yourself as a person-my services can help you. They have already helped many experience changes in their lives that they did not know was possible. Start living the life you deserve Now! A Astro-Psychology Full Life Reading can have you on your way to a life of great change.

You are a unique individual-an individual with great power and capable of achieving great things.  You are part of a cosmic blueprint – a wonderful ‘living blueprint’ that pulsates with life force and connects all things: all people and all animals, all events and all feelings, all dimensions and all times.

When one is conscious of ones place within that unified and interconnected blueprint one becomes a fully operational ‘whole’ person and, at this point, great things can be achieved since you have become an integrated part of the unified dimension that exists beyond and above our current level of consciousness. Some people – and hopefully, you are going to be one of them today, are able to overcome life’s hurdles and ascend to that higher level.  Yet many people are prevented from ascending, for them life is full of hardship and distraction. By getting embroiled in the small issues some of us get lost. We get distracted, we lose our way, our consciousness grows dim and we start to struggle in life, with our jobs, in our relationships and with our health. We become isolated from society and unable to reach success and our psyches get fractured because we have been forced into surviving from day to day, we become trapped in lives that function at extremely low levels of consciousness and, at this point, our hopes and dreams fade away. Our aspirations and plans to make it to the top die.

I want to help you ASCEND those hurdles so that all your hopes, dreams and aspirations can become real again, and alive, allowing you to rise towards that more professionally fulfilling, and more emotionally satisfying, and more financially rewarding life style that you have worked hard for and deserve !  I want you to rise and ascend so that you can take your rightful place. As you are drawn UPWARDS to a higher state of mind and into a happier and more personally successful dimension you will find yourself in a state where you can make a success of yourself on ALL of life’s levels!

Let me show you how to align your emotional and intellectual blueprint with the original cosmic template so you can activate pure magic, TRIGGERING the combined energies of the universe so that success and satisfaction becomes SEALED in with your life – now!

Hi, My name is Felicia Ransome-Stoute, I a Qualified Competent Astro-Psychologist with over 10 years of Experience. I have been trained and certified and many forms of Energy Healing and Techniques Assuring YOU an OUTSTANDING FULL LIFE READING.

Job / Career 

This Is NOT your average Astrology Reading And NOT just a computer generated report printed from a computer. You will receive a Personalized Reading , professionally recorded on a CD by a LIVE, Competent Qualified Astro-Psychologist. I use a rare form of astrology known as Divine Astrology (Astropsychology). In my Full Life Reading Package I will thoroughly show you in detail, what energies are readily available to you in the twelve areas of your chart that you may not be aware of. I show you how you can use these energies to HEAL all areas of your life, Money, Health, Relationships, Your Career, etc. Many are experiencing unnecessary suffering and passing up great opportunities to a better life, simply because they do not know these energies are readily available to them and don’t know how to use them to their benefit.

I will need your Name, Address, Date of Birth (month, date, year, ex. 5/9/1930). Time of Birth (for Astro-Cartography only) Place of Birth (city, state, country).You may put this information in the note section when you make your completely Safe & Secure payment with Paypal. You may also email, fax, or mail me this information.

Your Astrology chart is your cosmic signature. It is a plan for you to fulfill a divine purpose while on this dense physical world. It shows your strengths and weaknesses, challenges, the areas you should work on, the things you should be careful of, health, wealth, how to live and be the best possible person you can be while here on this planet, and so much more. It gives you all the vital information you need to live your soul’s true purpose. Allow me to explore the twelve areas of your life and help you to discover your talents, career opportunities, your love life, financial potential, etc. I will give you detailed information that gives you direction and guidance to many of the questions you may have.(Who Am I?, Why Am I here?, For what reason was I born, etc.)

You will receive a detailed report consisting of 15/35 pages and a 90 minute taped reading using Astropsychology and the Astro-Tarot. I will explain Astropsychology, give detailed information on the significance of all the planets in your chart, and thoroughly cover all departments of your life. This reading will also include unique information about the location of your Dragon’s Head and Tail and the impact it will have on your life. This reading is unlike any other psychic readings or astrological work you may have had in the past.

Here’s what you will receive:

  • a detailed report consisting of 15/35 pages
  • a 90 minute taped reading using Astropsychology
  • a psychic reading using the Astro-Tarot
  • information on the location of your Dragon’s Head/Tail
  • information on the location of all the planets in your chart
  • detailed information about the 12 departments of your life:
  • Your Soul’s Purpose (Why are your here? What is your mission in this lifetime?)
  • Your Financial Potential (money, investments, security, self esteem , etc.)
  • Your Mind (communication, writing, teaching, publishing, learning, mental power, etc.)
  • Your Home (relationships with family members, real estate, your upbringing, etc.)
  • Your Love Life/Creativity (your creativity, children, love, fame, etc.)
  • Your Work/Health ( work, health, work and service to the world, etc.)
  • Your Marriage (marriage, partnerships, contracts, etc.)
  • Your Witchcraft Residue (investments, your sex life, legacy, indians, etc.)
  • Your Education (teaching, traveling, your connection to foreigners, indians, etc.)
  • Your Career (accomplishments, how to reach your goals using the spiritual laws, father, etc)
  • Your Wishes (your friends, groups, wishes, how to reach your wishes,etc.)
  • Your Subconscious (dreams, subconscious, hidden affairs, your past, etc.)

Health and Healing

IMAGINE Having the Power to Change any area of your life that is no longer working for you. By simply getting a Astro-Psychology Reading…..Will open a Doorway to Enormous Possibilities just waiting to be Discovered. My services will show you how to make these changes.

Get Your Reading Now……. Plus These Bonuses.

(1) Bonus #1 – Connecting With Your Spirituality

“Why Understanding All The Ins And Outs Of Spirituality Is Crucial!”

This is one area you must pay attention to…

The best way to be able to develop one’s greater spiritual connection can actually be discovered through examining the way that greater connections are created in general. Connecting with your spirituality is something that you cannot do in a day or in an hour; it is something that requires patience, time, consistency, effort and self-discovery.

Let me explain…

Whatever you believe and even think truthfully essentially becomes the life’s reality in time. Mental repetition and constant meditation of even the same thought, whether positive or negative programs the human mechanism in order to behave and act in accordance to their thought.

And the worst part? The more you don’t know the less you will succeed!

Make no mistake about it…

“The Costs of NOT Getting All The Info You Need Are Just Too High!”

Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t — or can’t — do anything to find out everything you need to know to finally be a success!

The costs of continuing to repeat this pattern are just too steep…

I mean, think about all of the money you’re wasting because of how continuing to try things that don’t work costs you money… the time you’re losing due to going around in circles is also time-consuming…

… and that’s not to mention the toll it’s taking on your personal life, like the way the failed attempts over and over can impact personal life/relationships.

So today — in the next FEW MINUTES, in fact — we’re going to help you GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easily get your spirituality under control… for GOOD!
That is why I’ve written this book…

“This Book Below Will Show You Exactly What What You Need To Do To Finally Be A Success With Spirituality!”

As a person just like you who has struggled with connecting to the universe, I have searched high and low to find the best strategies to fix this problem and I am fully qualified and equipped to help you put an end to your frustration with trying to wade through all the info you need to know to connect with your spirituality!

Spirituality is an important path of being able to go through life truthfully.

Spirituality is a spiritual way of growing and living towards the new and the next lead of growth and development and a way towards self-development.

And all of this up till now is just the beginning!
Are you ready?

Connecting With Your Spirituality

This powerful tool will provide you with everything you need to know to be a success and achieve your goal of getting your spirituality to a successful place.
With this product, and it’s great information on connecting to the universe it will walk you, step by step, through the exact process we developed to help people get all the info they need to be a success.

(2) Bonus #2 – Prioritze Your Life

Make More Time For Achieving Your Goals And Enjoying Life.

This is a Step-by-step Guide to Helping You Achieve Your Goals And Enjoy Life.

Powerful Information in this short Guide!